About Me
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Medical School: Kabul Medical University
Volunteer Activities: Virtual trainer for Afghanistan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Social worker and Translator for newly arrived Afghan immigrants
Languages Spoken: English, Persian and Pashto as well as some Arabic and Urdu
Professional Interests: Practicing in academic settings, Involvement in resident and medical student education, and Participating in global health
Research Interests: Endocrinology, diabetes and nutrition, Effects of childhood trauma on the development of psychological and non –psychological illness, Geriatric medicine
Hobbies: Painting, Hiking, Traveling and Sewing
Career Goals: Providing quality patient care (Evidence-based and efficient), Pursuing fellowship, and Working as a clinical faculty
What do you love most about Lynchburg: The geographical beauty and ideal climate, It's being family-friendly, safe neighborhood and it being known for its higher education for my daughters
Where I see my Patients

Centra Medical Group Lynchburg Family Medicine
2323 Memorial Avenue, Suite 10 (Located in the lower level of the Plaza building)Lynchburg, VA 24501
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